Our privacy and policy entails how and when we collect your information and it use
Our database collects your information in variety of ways, that is why users are intented to fill out their correcr information such as your name, email and others, which of course are used for our related activities.
Our organisation reserves the right to control and administer each users, and we recommend that every users, logs in through our web host site. Xtgem. They in turn continue the users monitoring.
However, informations collected are not disclosed to any third party service providers nor to any family or partnering sites related to kisses waphall.
We also collect information to make sure that the site use is appropraitely monitored.
We may use "cookies" to access more services: user's web browser places cookies on thier hard drive for record keeping purposes and sometimes to track information about them.
If you have any questions about this privacy and policy or our practices, please contact us via email